Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tuberculosis Blocks Immune System Efforts

Tuberculosis Blocks Immune System Efforts
Drug Discovery & Development - October 04, 2011

The bacterium that causes tuberculosis has a unique molecule on its outer cell surface that blocks a key part of the body's defense. New research suggests this represents a novel mechanism in the microbe's evolving efforts to remain hidden from the human immune system.
Researchers found that the TB bacterium has a molecule on its outer surface called lipomannan that can stop production of an important protein in the body's immune cells that helps contain TB infection and maintain it in a latent state. This protein is called tumor necrosis factor (TNF). When TNF is not produced in sufficient quantities, the TB bacterium can grow unchecked and cause an uncontrolled active infection inside and outside of the lungs.
"There are several unique components on the Mycobacterium tuberculosis outer cell wall that help it sneak into the lung relatively unnoticed," said Larry Schlesinger, professor and chair of the Department of Microbial Infection and Immunity at Ohio State University and senior author of the study. "The more we can learn about how these cell wall structures influence the human immune response, the closer we can get to developing a more effective strategy to treat or even prevent an active tuberculosis infection."
Lipomannan resembles a tree branch sprinkled with smaller sugar molecules protruding from the outer cell wall of the bacterium. The findings show that lipomannan can block TNF production at the microRNA level. MicroRNAs are small segments of RNA that regulate—or fine-tune—a gene's protein-building function.
To date, microRNAs have been implicated most frequently in the development of cancer. Schlesinger said this research is among the first studies to show that pathogenic bacteria can influence microRNA activation in immune cells and is the first to explore how microRNAs regulate the macrophage inflammatory response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Macrophages are first-responder cells in the immune response. They eat TB bacteria at the point of infection in the lung and then normally activate molecules that make pieces of the bacteria visible to infection-fighting warriors, triggering an eventual T-cell response to come to the macrophages' aid.
The research is published this week in the online early edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
About 2 billion people worldwide are thought to be infected with TB bacteria. People who are infected can harbor the bacterium without symptoms for decades, but an estimated one in 10 will develop active disease characterized by a chronic cough and chest pain. Both active and latent infections are treated with a combination of antibiotics that patients take for at least six months, and such treatment is becoming less effective with more drug-resistant bacterial strains.
Schlesinger and colleagues conducted the study comparing lipomannans from two types of bacteria -- a virulent strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and a harmless strain called Mycobacterium smegmatis, which is often used as a control bacterium in TB research.
Many of these same researchers, led by Schlesinger, had previously isolated the lipomannans from each type of bacterial cell's surface and used powerful biochemical analyses to characterize the significance of the lipomannans' structural differences. In a study published recently in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, the group reported on how the surface structures on virulent TB bacteria lowered the response of a specific T-cell that typically gets recruited to fight tuberculosis.
In this newer study, the scientists compared how the structures affected the production of TNF in primary human macrophage culture experiments.
They first established that human macrophages respond differently to the two different types of bacteria lipomannans after 24 hours of exposure. Lipomannan from the virulent TB bacterium produced significantly less TNF than lipomannan from the M. smegmatis bacterium.
Though the study showed that the harmless cells increase production of TNF through a well-known receptor pathway as expected, the virulent TB bacteria did not make use of that receptor pathway. This supported the concept that the pathogenic TB bacterium has figured out another way to block the TNF protein in its quest to keep the immune system guessing, said Schlesinger, also the director of Ohio State's Center for Microbial Interface Biology.
A single microRNA can affect the production of hundreds of proteins, and the process of identifying those relationships is ongoing. However, two microRNAs in this study were known to be relevant for their connections to genes and proteins already established as players in the immune response to TB infection: miR-125b and miR-155.
Biochemical and genetic experiments showed that macrophages stimulated with lipomannan from TB bacteria had enhanced expression of miR-125b, effectively inhibiting the production of TNF. In contrast, the lipomannan from the harmless bacteria had enhanced expression of miR-155, which regulates other compounds in a way that stimulates TNF production.
Researchers' experimental manipulation to lower the expression of miR-125b in macrophages increased production of TNF in response to the TB bacteria lipomannan, further confirming that this regulation of TNF occurred at the microRNA level, Schlesinger said.
"This really speaks to the power of the tuberculosis bacterium to adapt to the human host," he said. "It has had centuries to develop a sophisticated way to deal with its encounter with the human. Fortunately, genomic technology is allowing us to identify microRNAs more and more rapidly, which might allow us to catch up with the TB bacterium and figure out a way to outsmart it."

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Almost back

More stuffs coming soon!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

We are back to Immunology

Dear Friends of Immunology,
I am so sorry for being quite for a couple of months. I would like to assure you we gonna do a lot this time. Your Immunology posts are welcome.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Why H1N1, H5N1,...?

Influenza A virus strains are categorized qccordind to two protein found on the surface of the virus: henaglutinnins (H) and neuraminidase (N). All influenza A viruses contain hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, but the structure of these proteins differs from strain to strain due to rapid genetic mutation in the viral genome.

Influenza A virus strains are assigned an H number and an N number based on which forms of these two proteins the strain contains. There are 16 H and 9 N subtypes known in birds, but only H 1, 2 and 3, and N 1 and 2 are commonly found in humans

The various types of influenza viruses in humans. Solid squares show the appearance of a new strai, causing recurring influenza pandemics. Broken lines indicate uncertain strain identifications

Monday, September 8, 2008


Hi everybody this picture portrays a summary of hybridoma technology in production of monoclonal antibodies. Later we will know the details of the technology.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


1796 Where Immunology Began

EDWARD JENNER is rightly described as the "Founding Father of Immunology". He is best known for his experiments on the smallpox vaccine and the trials he carried out to prove its protective value. His work began a pathway of discovery of the immune system, how it works and how it can be exploited to the benefit of man. Scientists from all over the world have contributed to these discoveries. Many have received Nobel Prizes in recognition of the importance of their contribution.

1885 The Spread of Vaccination

LOUIS PASTEUR discovered how to prepare and use attenuated disease-causing microbes as vaccines against cholera in chickens, and anthrax and rabies in animals and man. In 1885 he gave the first rabies vaccination to a young boy, Joseph Meister, who had been savaged by a rabid dog. The boy survived and vaccination became a well-established way of preventing disease.

1901 Antibodies Protect against Disease

EMIL VON BEHRING and SHIBASABURO KITASATO discovered that antibodies against diphtheria and tetanus poisons could be given to patients to cure them from these diseases. Von Behring was awarded the first Nobel Prize for Medicine for this work on serum therapy.
1905 Immune Responses to Tuberculosis Described

ROBERT KOCH developed a way to make pure cultures of bacteria. He discovered the cholera bacterium. He also identified the bacillus that causes tuberculosis (TB) and described the host response to it.

1908 Cells and Antibodies are Important in Immunity

ELIE METCHNIKOFF and PAUL EHRLICH shared the Nobel Prize for their work. Metchnikoff was the first to observe cellular phagocytosis and suggest its protective importance. Ehrlich developed stains for, and described cells in the blood. He put forward the first idea of antibodies as molecular chains on the surface of cells.

1913 The Immune System can Cause Disease

CHARLES RICHET worked on anaphylaxis in his studies with Paul J Portier on the body's response to toxins. He was one of the first to demonstrate that the protective effects of the immune system could also cause great damage to the body.

1919 Antibody and Complement Work Together to Kill Bacteria

JULES BORDET discovered that complement was involved in lysis of red cells and was fixed by antibody in immune reactions, leading to bacteria being killed. His findings were later used to develop a test for syphilis.

1930 Discovery of the Human Blood Groups as Tissue Antigens

KARL LANDSTEINER discovered the ABO blood groups and Rhesus Factor. His research paved the way for successful blood transfusions. He also made major contributions to our understanding of the way in which antibody molecules combine with antigen and of the specificity of antibodies at the chemical level.

1951 Vaccine against Yellow Fever

MAX THEILER showed that yellow fever is caused by a virus, and that growing the virus in culture so weakened the strain that it would not cause disease when injected into humans. Instead it acts as a vaccine to protect against infection.

1957 Development of Antihistamine Drugs for the Treatment of Allergy

DANIEL BOVET found that many of the unpleasant symptoms of allergy are caused by histamine which produces inflammation. He developed drugs which blocked the action of histamine (antihistamines).

1960 Immunological Tolerance to "Self": The Central Role of Lymphocytes in Immunity

F. MACFARLANE BURNET and PETER MEDAWAR were awarded the Nobel Prize for their work on immunological tolerance and cellular immunity. Their work focused attention on lymphocytes as the key players in the immune response.
MEDAWAR discovered that the immune system is responsible for the rejection of organ transplants. With Rupert Billingham and Leslie Brent he showed that if cells from one mouse were introduced to the immune system of another mouse early in life, they would be accepted as "self" and not rejected, a condition defined as " immunological tolerance".
MACFARLANE BURNET proposed the clonal selection theory for antibody production which transformed ideas on cellular immunity. He also contributed to the understanding of self-tolerance by proposing that immune cells which recognise "self" molecules are destroyed early in their development.

1972 The Structure of the Antibody Molecule is Unravelled

RODNEY PORTER and GERALD EDELMAN described the chemical structure of antibody molecules. They deduced how they have a constant region and two sites which bind to antigen. They were also able to explain how variations in the amino acid sequence of individual antibodies results in different binding shapes allowing them to bind to many different antigens.

1977 The Development of Sensitive Tests to Measure Hormones Using Antibodies

ROSALIND YALLOW working with Soloman Berson discovered the association of autoantibodies with insulin-resistant diabetes. She developed a very sensitive method for measuring the concentration of hormones in blood, using specific antibodies and a radioactive antigen. This "immunoassay" method for hormones had enormous clinical benefit for patients with hormonal problems. She was the first woman immunologist to win the Nobel Prize.

1980 The Genes that Control the Antigen Presenting Molecules

BARUJ BENACERRAF, GEORGE SNELL and JEAN DAUSSET demonstrated the importance of the genes which govern the antigen presenting molecules on cell surfaces: the Major Histocompatibility Complex genes. These control the immune response to infection and are also very important in transplant rejection.

1984 Advances in Understanding how the Immune System is Controlled

NIELS K. JERNE was recognized for his important theoretical contributions to the understanding of how the immune system is controlled. His ideas about antigens selecting the appropriate antibody-bearing cells paved the way for Burnet's clonal selection theory.

1984 Development of Monoclonal Antibodies

CESAR MILSTEIN and GEORGE KOHLER were, in this same year, recognized for their development of the technique for making monoclonal antibodies. These are now a tool used widely in medicine, research and industry.

1987 How the Antibody Genes Provide Diversity

SUSUMU TONEGAWA worked on the organisation of antibody genes and demonstrated how so many antibody patterns could be produced by such a limited number of genes. His ideas were also very important in understanding the structure and formation of the T cell receptor.

1991 Advances in Transplantation Immunology

E. DONAL THOMAS and JOSEPH MURRAY are the latest in a long line of immunologists to be awarded the Nobel Prize. They received it for their work on transplantation immunology.


The impact of immunology on human health and welfare has been immense since Jenner's first steps along the road in 1796. About three-quarters of all human diseases involve the immune system in one way or another.
Immunology is now far more than the study of infection and the making of new vaccines. Immunological research is providing new approaches for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, autoimmune disease, immunodeficiency and allergies and has been a major contributor to the successful development of transplant surgery.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Our daily activities expose us to a number of health threatening microbes which are the major agents of diseases. But, let us ask ourselves how comes we don't fall sick often? This brings us back to the concept of immunity. As previously discussed, immunity is comprised of two major parts, the innate and adaptive immunity.

The two parts of the immune system, one is less specific (innate) but quite necessary and the other more specific (adaptive). The innate immunity forms the first line of defense and exists before encountering the pathogens. This type of immunity is comprised of four types of defensive barriers namely; anatomic barriers (skin and mucous membranes), physiologic barriers (temperature, pH and chemical mediators), phagocytic barriers (blood monocytes, neutrophils and tissue macrophages) and the fourth inflammatory barriers.

The adaptive immunity which is more specific is triggered following an antigenic challenge to an organism. The key players in adaptive immunity are the lymphocytes, antibodies and other molecules they produce. This kind of immunity has four characteristics; antigenic specificity, diversity, immunologic memory and self/nonself recognition. It displays antigenic specificity in a sense that it is capable of distinguishing even minor differences between antigens. The diversity is seen where the immune system can generate a fairly huge diversity in its recognition molecules capable of recognizing many unique structures among foreign molecules. The immune system also has memory, that it can easily remember the foreign molecule which it had previously encountered. And the good thing about the immune system is the ability to recognize self from nonself molecules which prevents the body from attacking itself.

Having seen what the innate and adaptive immunity is, we need to know what happens when we are exposed to pathogenic microbes. And what is real happening to our bodies? I mean to the immune system.
..To be continued....